
The Air Factory

I discovered this beauty of a site whilst surfing through the god-forsaken pages of Facebook. It was not only the quirky and light-hearted name that leaded me to click, but also the design of the logo, which seems to be a drunken interpretation of the all-seeing eye triangle.
 In their own words, 'The Air Factory® is a network of people and ideas
 which takes the form of an artistic laboratory based on sharing.'

Some favourite starting images I've loved and repeated for you
 are produced by T.A.F themselves and photographed 
by Allesandro Alo Scardecchia, aka: aLo.

I've been mean and only sampled a selected few, but in the hope that you may love the imagery as much as I do and delve further into it all yourself.
What my eyes also found in their travels, is their exclusive range of new tee's. 
The photography (Stefano Tini) and direction in these photos is equally as capturing.

They're only coming up to their third month in the public eye, and with the work that individuals have contributed so far, I can almost promise you that this is one to watch.
/// www.theAirFactory.com /// ● Wear ▲ Music ■ Arts 

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