
Androgyny's Finest

I was doing my daily dose of blog-eat-blog stalking when I came across Joey Ma. 
It wasnt the interview written on the page or the number of images co-ordinated with them that caught my attention; it was the choice of clothing, the pure style and presence this individual was projecting from a mere photograph. 
Intrigued as to whether this was a one-off extrovert fashion shoot, I made my way to his blog, courtesy of my dear friend Google, which now appears on my Safari 'favourites'.

Hong Kong fashion blogger extrodinaire takes androgyny to a new level.
For years we have been fed images of women in tailor cut suits thanks to Miss Chanel and more beautiful than life male models such as Andrej Pejic, and so the blurring of gender boundaries is no such news. 
And although the highstreet has tried to tap into this with male leggings and 'muggs' (my own terming for such boys who wear Uggs), there still seems to be some confused mental attitude between experimenting and becoming close to imitating transvestite behaviours.

In the eyes of Joey, there should be 'no limits or boundaries; be fun whilst you're still young.'
The nail has been hit on the head. 
Just from checking out his blog (though I may be telling some of you old news, with me being the 35,331st visitor since 2010) it is clear that Joey has already begun to change perceptions towards male dress, with him stating in an interview on Vimeo that he has always been interested in unisex clothing; allowing Ma to have much more freedom whilst experimenting with trends and cuts, and on top of this, combining the masculine and feminine to create a unique yet versatile look of his own.

If you like what you see, check out his outfit posts here - and trust me, I've only selected some of the more tamer ones. Whoever said that fashion was nothing can re-think their attitude, as Joey Ma proves that style can in fact be an amazing work of art.

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